2013 ESC Guideline vedrørende stabil koronarsygdom
These guidelines should be applied to patients with stable known or suspected coronary artery disease (SCAD). This condition encompasses several groups of patients: (i) those having stable angina pectoris or other symptoms felt to be related to coronary artery disease (CAD) such as dyspnoea; (ii) those previously symptomatic with known obstructive or non-obstructive CAD, who have become asymptomatic with treatment and need regular follow-up; (iii) those who report symptoms for the first time and are judged to already be in a chronic stable condition (for instance because history-taking reveals that similar symptoms were already present for several months). Hence, SCADdefines the different evolutionary phases of CAD, excluding the situations in, which coronary artery thrombosis dominates clinical presentation (acute coronary syndromes).
Guidelines er godkendt af DCS 9/1 2014. Hvor der er kommentarer, afvigende dansk tradition samt forslag til forbedringer, er bemærkningerne knyttet til et nummer og en sidehenvisning.